How often Germans use Instagram – Detailed report

Since 2021, Meta Instagram has emerged as one of the most liked and visited social networking platforms worldwide. With amazing features and a sorted user interface, a lot can be done on Instagram. Earlier, one could only upload pictures or send instant messages to people. However, Instagram has gradually turned into a marketing platform. 

People from all countries are actively using Instagram. With India having the most active users on Instagram in 2023 (229.6 million), countries like USA and Brazil follow with statistics of 143.4 million and 113.5 million. Talking of Germany, there are 27.5 to 29 million active Instagram users daily in the age group 13 and above. Let us know in detail the Instagram usage frequency in Germany. 

What is the Instagram Usage Frequency in Germany?

As of February 2023, as many as 27.5 million to 29 million users are actively using Instagram in Germany. The popularity of Instagram is lower amongst people belonging to the above 30 age group. Users who are found most active on Instagram in Germany range between 13 to 25 years of age. On the other hand, people over 65 account for only 2 to 3 percent of the total Instagram users in Germany. 

The Instagram usage frequency in Germany in 2023 is slightly less than in 2022. The frequency of Instagram usage has seen a decline from 30 million daily active users on Instagram in Germany in 2022 to 27.5 to 29 million active users on Instagram in Germany in 2023. Not only this, in comparison to male users, female users in Germany are reported to be more active and use Instagram in Germany daily.

Instagram usage frequency in Germany

How Many Instagram Users are there Worldwide in 2023?

No doubt, Instagram is one of the leading social networking platforms in today’s time. The platform is experiencing a tremendous increase in its active users gradually. But you might wonder how many people are using Instagram worldwide as of February 2023.

As per the global advertising audience reach, Instagram is reported to have 1.31 billion active users daily. The most significant proportion of active users belongs to the age group of 13 years and above. People in their 30s are found to be comparatively less active on Instagram. 

However, the activeness of people on Instagram has gradually decreased compared to the reach gained by advertisers and influencers during December 2022. The data claims that advertisers can reach 160 million fewer users than in 2022. 

Which Countries are the Top 10 Users of Instagram in 2023?

While Instagram continues to be the most captivating social networking platform for people, several countries have reportedly seen a decline in the number of active Instagram users in 2023. Following is the list of the countries that are the top 10 users of Instagram in 2023. 

1. The list leads India with 229.6 million active users.

2. The United States of America owns the second position, with 143.4 million Instagram users.

3. Further on the list is Brazil. It has 113.5 million active Instagram users as of 2023.

4. Leading ahead, Indonesia has at least 89.2 active users on Instagram. 

5. On number 5 in Turkey. Turkey has 48.7 million active users on Instagram as of February 2023.

6. Japan has at least 45.7 million active Instagram users.

7. Further, the list continues with Mexico. Mexico is reported to have 36.7 million active users on Instagram in 2023.

8. Presently, the United Kingdom comes on number 8. It has 28.8 million active users on Instagram.

9. Leading at number 9 in n Germany, with 27.5 million active users on Instagram in February 2023.

10. Lastly, Italy has 26.2 million active Instagram users daily. 

Instagram usage frequency in Germany

Frequently Asked Questions

1. When is the best time to post reels on Instagram in Germany?

According to studies and the research conducted, the frequency of Instagram usage amongst German users is at its peak between 4 AM to 5 AM. Therefore, it can be concluded that the best time to post reels on Instagram in Germany is between 4 AM to 5 AM. This would promote a better reach of your reel.

2. Which is the best day to post your content on Instagram in Germany?

The best day to post your content on Instagram in Germany is Monday. The beginning of a new week has reportedly seen people be more active on social networking platforms such as Instagram. Posting your reel or content on Instagram on Monday is expected to be beneficial in getting more likes, shares and reach by the audience. 


The number of active users on Instagram in Germany has declined by 1 to 1.5 million in a year. The Instagram usage frequency in Germany in 2023 is 27.5 million to 29 million. Germany occupies the 8th `position in the list of the top 10 countries to use Instagram in 2023. While users between 13 to 25 years of age are found to be more active on Instagram, the percentage of Instagram usage in Germany by people above 65 years of age accounts only for 2.3 percent.